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People Who Lead the future of Ocean

Oceanographic Products

Underwater Methane Sensor(HydroC CH4)
4H Jena Engineering
Oceanographic Products > Ocean Physical and Environments
Dissolved Gas / Wet chemical anaysis
08 OSCM004 PS _CONTROS HydroCÔäó CH4_1.1.pdf
Underwater Methane Sensor(HydroC CH4) PHOTO
The CONTROS HydroC® CH4 sensor is a unique underwater methane sensor for in-situ and online
measurements of CH4 partial pressure (pCH4). The versatile CONTROS HydroC® CH4 provides the perfect
solution for the monitoring of background CH4 concentrations and for long-term deployments.
Underwater Methane Sensor(HydroC CH4) Catalogue